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Time to spread my wings!

Hi my friends!

I truly do apologize for taking such long breaks in between my posts.

I feel like I used to come here to write more often, it was my comfort zone, (still is).

But, I used to need my blog more than it needed me, If that makes sense. Basically when I was really going through some difficult times, coming to write on my blog and express my feelings was my getaway and really helped with my axiety.

Thank God these days I don't have too much of that going on, but, I promise I am going to make more of an effort to come and share my heart more often, good times or bad. Recently people have been telling me they come across my blog and feel really encouraged but that they hope I continue to write, so for those of you who encourage me to be here, for you, I will. :)

Quickly, from the bottom of my heart I'd love to say thank you to those of you who go out of your way to give me feedback. You have no idea what it means to me, it seriously touches my heart that you guys even read my words. The feeling is overwhelming and I am beyond extremely thankful. I wish I could write thank you letters to every one of you, actually, I just might do that! :)

These days I worry too much y'all! And that seems like it's all that i'm doing, I have all these worries but i'm not taking any steps to figure them out. I think like a lot of people my age, i'm afraid. I'm too old to not be doing something with my life, yet i'm too young to have it all figured out. This in between age is just so not for me.

I worry about my job, my school, where i'll be living in the next few years, how i'll reach my dreams.

It seems like each day i'm coming up with new ideas on how to have my life set within the next five years and it's so overwhelming. I want to be in so many places, doing so many things, reaching all of my dreams at one time, yet i'm still stuck here, doing nothing! I think a lot of you can relate.

I'm terrified of going back to school!!! Not because I don't like school ( okay that might be apart of it), but honestly it's because i'm afraid i'll spend 4-5 years of my life getting a degree and not doing anything with that.

I'm passionate about many things, and I change my mind so often that it makes me nervous to think I have it figured out and in the end everything changes and i'll want to study something else. BUT, with that being said, i'm holding myself accountable and i'm encouraging y'all to keep me accountable too because, I want to go back to school. I think I at least need to get my generals out of the way and figure it out from there.

If you're in the same boat as me...I say we go for it, there's no more time to sit back and think about the "what if's". Life is flying by and it's time to make some bold moves. Go back to school, keep your mind open and stay focused. I think as long as we stay focused a plan will follow through, and I trust that God's plan is greater than any plan I can imagine for myself. So it's now time for me to let go of my worries and let him do his work. :)

As far as jobs... man... as far as jobs... ya girl needs a new one!!!! LOL I'm so tired of being at starbucks. Don't get me wrong, it's a great company and I love my team, I think i've just felt too comfortable and it's time to move on and see what else is out there. For some people, sticking with the same job works out for them and they're able to move up in the company, and that's great! For me, not so great... I want something new and refreshing and challenging. That's the word i've been looking for!!!!

I want something to challenge me in life now! It's been too smooth. Which isn't a bad thing at all, I just feel so lazy. Every day seems like the same ol' same ol' and I want new adventure. It's time to spread my wings and conquer new fears and learn more about myself in this adult life. I've been young for too long I want to face real adult life situations.

Shoot, I might regret saying that. lol. We shall see what comes my way. Pray for me, maybe I should'nt have went that far, just light adult situations, nothing too tough okay! lol. That makes me more excited now.

So as I go and put on my big girl shoes, I encourage you to do the same thing. If life is feeling like some every day routine and you're craving something new, I encourage you to spread your wings with me. It'll be a little scarry, maybe intimidating, but isn't that what we're looking for? Something new, challenging and exciting?! Step out of your comfort zone, don't sit back and enjoy the ride create something new for yourself, trust in God's plan, and lets show the world what are young hearts have to offer!! I know i'm ready, are you?

Till next time!<3

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